
Genres: Any type of story —

  • Short stories for children or adults
  • Picture books
  • Poetry that tells a clear story (such as a rhyming picture book) with plot and characters
  • Nonfiction stories as long as they are written in a story format with a beginning, middle, and end – such as a short memoir

Please send your work in either of these file types: .DOC, or .DOCX

Format: Double-spaced, Size 12, Times New Roman or Arial font, black text

Once I receive your manuscript, I will read it through once, making general notes and basic line edits, then read it a second time, taking more detailed notes. Afterward, I will compile my notes and point out 1) the strengths of the manuscript as well as 2) my concerns – what is working and what is not working. You will receive a one-page written critique as well as your marked up manuscript (using “track changes”) in a timely manner.

What are my qualifications? Please review my resume.

Rates: $50 for initial critique. $35 for each follow-up critique.

Please email me first to check availability. [email protected]